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Bara no houseki
Bara no houseki
8 juillet 2010

Slow motion

Everything seems so slow.
Outside (and inside now that our air conditioning
is broken) feels like hell with the 35+ degrees of
the last few days.

I barely eat, barely move, barely feel like doing
anything worth calling "doing something".

I come on my computer tonight,
live from in front of the fan.

I received my Alice & the Pirates parasol
It is so elegant and pretty. So delicate too !
I thought it would be slightly bigger in circumference,
but I am overall greatly satisfied.
I sadly cannot take any picture because my camera has broken
and I will need to go buy a new one.

Yesterday too, I had a call from the lady at
She invited me for a free facial skin treatment and
slight make-up, so I went today after work.
It was so nice, being there in the fresh air of the
shopping center, being treated like a very important person. hehe
I didn't quite like the make up she did though.
I like Shiseido products so much, I think I will
go get the super gloss and eyebrow pencil she showed me. <3

I also went to a library to look at books and magazines.
I many interesting books, like cooking ones
(one was 500 cake recipes ; w ; <3 )
and art/architecture related ones.
While searching for nothing special, I saw a
Map of Tokyo
and I bought it. I spent almost 1h30 looking at it
coming back home.


I can't wait for this heat to leave us alone,
and also to get news from Japan, and for my dress.
Good news is that we are July 8th already,
and that Japan is coming faster and faster.

I also have this interview for a TV project, and I don't know
what to do. I feel like going to see my friends before I leave
at the same time. I cannot leave without seeing my lovelies.

Bara no houseki